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All-in-one platforma na generovanie obsahu AI a začatie zarábania peňazí v priebehu niekoľkých minút.
Generate text, image, code, chat and even more with
Prístup k hodnotným užívateľským prehľadom, analytike a aktivite.
Bezpečne spracujte kreditnú kartu, debetnú kartu alebo iné metódy.
Schopnosť porozumieť a vytvárať obsah v rôznych jazykoch
Pridajte neobmedzený počet vlastných výziev pre svojich zákazníkov.
Získajte prístup a spravujte svoje lístky podpory z hlavného panela.
Writer je navrhnutý tak, aby vám pomohol okamžite generovať vysokokvalitné texty bez toho, aby ste sa zapotili.
Generovať, upravovať, exportovať.
Beží na OpenAI.
Get captivating post titles instantly with our title generator. Boost engagement and save time.
Effortlessly condense large text into shorter summaries. Save time and increase productivity.
Easily create compelling product descriptions that sell. Increase conversions and boost sales.
Instantly create unique articles on any topic. Boost engagement, improve SEO, and save time.
Create catchy product names with ease. Attract customers and boost sales effortlessly.
Instantly generate authentic testimonials. Build trust and credibility with genuine reviews.
Identify and solve problems efficiently. Streamline solutions and increase productivity.
Effortlessly create blog sections with AI. Get unique, engaging content and save time.
Unlock your creativity with unique blog post ideas. Generate endless inspiration and take your content to the next level.
Set the tone for your blog post with captivating intros. Grab readers' attention and keep them engaged.
End your blog posts on a high note. Craft memorable conclusions that leave a lasting impact.
Create high-converting Facebook ads that grab attention. Drive sales and grow your business.
Create high-converting Google ads with captivating headlines. Generate unique, clickable ads that drive traffic and boost sales.
Step up your Google ad game, Craft high-converting ad copy that grabs attention and drives sales.
Generate a paragraph with keywords and description. Never struggle with writer's block again. Generate flawless paragraphs that captivate readers.
Make informed decisions with ease. Generate unbiased pros and cons lists that help you weigh options and make better choices.
Get more clicks with compelling meta descriptions. Generate unique, SEO-friendly meta descriptions that attract customers and boost traffic.
Quickly create helpful FAQs. Our AI-powered generator provides custom responses to common questions in seconds.
Generate an email with your subject and description. Streamline your inbox and save time.
Effortlessly tackle your overflowing inbox with custom, accurate responses to common queries, freeing you up to focus on what matters most.
Generate engaging newsletters easily with personalized content that resonates with your audience, driving growth and engagement.
Eliminate grammar errors and enhance your writing with ease. Our tool offers seamless grammar correction for flawless content.
Automatically summarize long texts into bite-sized summaries with this TL;DR generator.
Create your own custom generator with AI! Our app allows you to quickly and easily generate unique content in any language.
Analyze web page content with url
Bring your static images to life and create visually compelling videos effortlessly.
Analyze web page content with url
SimpleAI má všetky nástroje, ktoré potrebujete na vytvorenie a správu platformy SaaS.
Sledujte širokú škálu údajových bodov vrátane návštevnosti používateľov a predaja.
Bezpečne spracovávajte kreditnú kartu alebo iné elektronické spôsoby platby.
Schopnosť porozumieť a vytvárať obsah v rôznych jazykoch.
Možnosť pozvať priateľov a získať províziu z ich prvého nákupu.
Jednoducho exportujte vygenerovaný obsah ako obyčajný text, PDF, Word alebo HTML.
Získajte prístup k lístkom na podporu mágov z hlavného panela.
Simply explain what your content is about and adjust settings according to your needs.
Simply input some basic information or keywords about your brand or product, and let our AI algorithms do the rest.
Zobrazte, upravte alebo exportujte svoj výsledok niekoľkými kliknutiami.
Peline Jan
Tom Daniel
Eric Sanchez
UX Designer
Bezpečná platba: Použite Stripe alebo kreditnú kartu.
Náš tím podpory získa pomoc od návrhov založených na AI, vďaka čomu bude spracovanie žiadostí o podporu rýchlejšie ako kedykoľvek predtým.
MagicAI uses the most popular AI models such as GPT, Dall-E, Ada to create text, image, code and more within seconds. The process is simple. All you have to do is provide a topic or idea, and our AI-based generator will take care of the rest.
You can use pre-made templates and examples for various content types and industries to help you get started quickly. You can even create your own chatbot or custom prompt template for further customization.
If you plan to charge end users for the final product or service. You should buy the extended license in compliance with Envato’s terms of service same as other projects
Yes! MagicAI's multilingual capabilities apply to both content generation and dashboard language. You can easily translate it into other languages. A built-in translation tool is coming soon!
MagicAI provides an almost native-app experience thanks to its mobile-first approach. The entire layout is responsive and works great on any device regardless of the size.